A Universal Struggle
Zarathushtra, the illustrious prophet of the Zoroastrian faith, graced an era shrouded in darkness and despair, where both humans and animals suffered under the oppressive forces that dominated the world. In His boundless compassion for the living beings, and driven by the pursuit of ultimate righteousness, known as Asha, Zarathushtra delivered the divine message of Ahura Mazda, the supreme benevolent deity. It was a transformative proclamation, for the earlier religions demanded the ghastly rituals of animal and human sacrifices.
Zarathushtra, a paragon of righteousness, tirelessly championed social justice and tirelessly strived for spiritual enlightenment. In His enlightened wisdom, He recognized the insidious influence wielded by the priests of the polytheistic religions that preceded Him, exploiting their teachings to unjustly control and dominate society.
Unfortunately, even after the advent of monotheistic religions following the era of Zarathushtra, we witness a similar pattern. The custodians of these faiths manipulate and maintain wrongful control over our modern society through fear, deception, and distorted teachings. Their misguided actions lead us down the path of war, environmental destruction, and the senseless suffering of innocent beings. Regrettably, the teachings of Zarathushtra, which once illuminated the world, have been forsaken by the majority of people today. We find ourselves embroiled in an eternal struggle between truth and falsehood. However, within each of us lies a divine spark, granting us the power to discern between truth and falsehood, righteousness and wickedness. Our purpose as human beings is to rejuvenate the world and eradicate all manifestations of falsehood.
A profound battle rages within the hearts and minds of men and women, and its outcome holds the key to the fate of our world. The thoughts we harbor in our minds serve as the very roots that determine the course of events. Present-day religions propagate the notion that good and evil coexist within the creator. Consequently, our world reflects this dualistic nature, where good and evil intertwine. The prevailing governments, religious institutions, and societies demand unwavering devotion to a deity who is predominantly benevolent but occasionally succumbs to anger, inciting believers into acts of war and genocide.
Yet, we possess the power to transform this reality by attuning our inner vibrations to the ultimate truth of the all-good God. Zarathushtra imparted the eternal wisdom that God is inherently good, and no evil originates from the Lord of Wisdom. The choice to align ourselves with this supreme truth rests upon our free will. Each of us possesses a fravashi, a divine guardian spirit, ready to guide us on this sacred journey.
The hymns of Zarathushtra, comprising an astounding 6,000 words, have withstood the test of time for 37 centuries. Scholars worldwide unanimously affirm the historical existence of Zarathushtra, and considering His profound influence on human civilization, one could assert that He stands among the most exceptional figures in the annals of history.